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WordPress parser

Below is an example of the WordPress parser source file:

"type": "wordpress-v2",
// ...
"scrape": {
"articles": {
"include": ["id", "modified"],
"dates": {
"gmt": false,
"fallback": false
"filter": {},
"thumbnail": "thumbnail"

About articles children:

  • include: Is an array of properties that will be appended to the final article extras field. The properties that are allowed, are all placed at the root of each post that comes from the WordPress JSON response. For example the values id and modified are not saved by default, but can be saved by including them to the array. All invalid objects will be skipped.

  • dates.gmt: If true it will replace the puDate with GMT timezone, if not it will take the site's timezone.

  • dates.fallback: If true and GMT format is not found it will fall back to the site's timezone.

  • filter: Filters the requested articles using the filters given by the WorPress REST API.

    • search: with string value.
    • author: with string value of integers, split with comma.
    • authorExclude: with string value of integers split with comma.
    • after: with string value of ISO8601 date format.
    • before: with string value of ISO8601 date format.
    • slug: with string value.
    • categories: with string value of integers, split with comma.
    • categoriesExclude: with string value of integers, split with comma.
    • tags: with string value, split with comma.
    • tagsExclude: with string value, split with comma.
    • sticky: with boolean value.
  • thumbnail: Takes as value the size of the main image, if the post has one and returns the image's source url. The available sizes can be found under the _embedded property. Full path is: ['_embedded']['wp:featuredmedia'][0]['media_details']['sizes']